Home > DMZ > Ecology Systam in DMZ > Birds
Findings from a recent research have it that in the DMZ there are 11 rare species and 13 natural monuments out of 58 bird species. Especially, the Cholwon plane in the DMZ is a known home for 7 species of crane including the white-naped crane and hooded crane out of the 15 internationally protected crane species especially during the winter. Besides, propagation of such rare bird as the black-faced spoonbill was confirmed in the area, only around 600 of which is still alive in Korea, China, Japanese, Taiwan and Vietnam.

After harvest, cranes (natural monument No.203) come to the DMZ to spend the winter, and during the winter, black eagles (natural monument No. 243) make their home in the DMZ.

Black woodpecker
Black vulture
Manchurian crane
Pelagic cormorant
White-fronted goose
Grey heron
White-naped Craned
Black-faced spoonbill
Black swan
Black-tailed gull