GOP(General Out Post) |
GOP(General Out Post) |
GOP refers to a platoon-level unit that is located in the distance from its main unit to prevent the main unit from any surprise attack from the enemy when the unit is taking a break during a road march or they are out on bivouac or out in combat position. GOP conducts missions to warn the main unit when they make an early detection of approaching enemy, carry out(conduct) limited level of combat mission to delay enemy’s approach and mislead enemy about the exact(original) location of the main unit and to cause as much damage as possible on the enemy before they finally reaches the main unit. |
GP(Guard Post) |
GP(Guard Post) |
The southern and northern boundary lines are located 2km south and north of the MDL respective, which indicates the entrance into the DMZ. The 4km of buffer zone between those two boundary lines is referred as the demilitarized zone where entrance is strictly prohibited from the public. Within the DMZ, there are Guard Posts (GP) which refers to military outposts. They are the surveillance posts and they make an early detection of KPA’s infiltration and ambush as well as look out for the North Korean military activities near the DMZ. GPs are frontline posts and, for the most of cases, controlled by scout battalion from ‘near fence’ units. |
OP(Observation Post) |
OP(Observation Post) |
Observation posts oversee both friendly and enemy forces, and their strategic location enables them to adjust and control the use of firearms and artilleries. To establish an observation post, it is important to secure the site where it’s most convenient to detect enemy’s approach that has not been detected by scout planes and radar, and to provide related information. |
DMZ(Demilitarized Zone) |
DMZ(Demilitarized Zone) |
The DMZ refers to 4km of area between Southern and northern boundaries of the DMZ centering the MDL. Station of armed forces and installation of military facilities are prohibited within the DMZ, and once an area is designated as a part of DMZ, previously stationed troops and installed military facilities must be removed to different locations. Its purpose is to prevent any types of armed collision between armed forces of two hostile countries. |
MDL(Military Demarcation Line) |
MDL(Military Demarcation
Line) |
In case of South Korea, the Military Demarcation Line refers to a line separating South Korea from North Korea that was established to bring cease-fire to the Korean War in accordance with the ‘Armistice Agreement on the Korean Peninsula’ of 1953. The length is a total of 155 miles and it separates the waistline of Korean peninsula starting from the western end of Korean peninsula to the eastern end. |
CCL(Civilian Controlled Line) |
CCL(Civilian Controlled
Line) |
CCL is a line that designates additional buffer zone to the DMZ within the area of 5 to 20km from southern boundary of the DMZ. Its purpose is to limit and control civilian’s entrance into the designated area in order to protect and maintain securities for military facilities and military operations those conducted in nearby area. CCL was activated and first became effective on February, 1954 on the authority of the commander of the 8th US Army. |