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RE:combined tour 7/13

ask | 2019.07.11 17:34 | view 608

Thank you for your inquiry.

On Saturday 13th July, the Panmunjom tour has been canceled due to military reason.

You can join the DMZ 3rd Tunnel tour.

Please kindly check and email us.(tourdmz@tourdmz.com)




Is there any availability for two people on the combined tour this Saturday , 7/13? 

Please let me know. Thanks.
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[eng]Tour Inquiry
no title name hit day
2121 INQUIRY ON SEPTEMBER 7th CLARINA 499 2019.08.22 11:22
2120 답글 RE:INQUIRY ON SEPTEMBER 7th CLARINA 473 2019.08.22 14:30
2119 luggage pedro 357 2019.08.20 18:51
2118 답글 RE:luggage pedro 346 2019.08.21 09:03
2117 JSA tour 22/23/24 Aug Jon 383 2019.08.19 03:25
2116 답글 RE:JSA tour 22/23/24 Aug Jon 354 2019.08.19 08:58
2115 Combined tour on Aug. 24? Jessie 271 2019.08.16 10:47
2114 답글 RE:Combined tour on Aug. 24? Jessie 311 2019.08.16 14:16
2113 JSA Tour on August 13th? Kay 281 2019.08.10 07:55
2112 답글 RE:JSA Tour on August 13th? Kay 291 2019.08.11 09:48
2111 Combined TOur Sanjay Kapoor 285 2019.08.09 20:57
2110 Combined Tour Chris 313 2019.07.30 10:49
2109 답글 RE:Combined Tour Chris 322 2019.07.31 09:16
2108 combined tour 7/13 ask 344 2019.07.11 14:18
>> 답글 RE:combined tour 7/13 ask 609 2019.07.11 17:34
2106 Combined tour Saturday? Pamela 314 2019.07.10 16:06
2105 답글 RE:Combined tour Saturday? Pamela 308 2019.07.11 08:47
2104 Combined Tour Availability on July 12 Allen C 242 2019.07.10 01:08
2103 답글 RE:Combined Tour Availability on July 12 237 2019.07.10 11:47
2102 jsa tour wangxiao 241 2019.07.08 17:35