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RE:Combined Tour - Availability

Mary | 2016.10.17 13:48 | view 901
Thank you for your inquiry.

But I'm sorlry. Oct 18th thru Oct 21st are Combined tour and Panmunjom tour is already fully booked.
You can join only 25th October.

Thank you.

Is there any availability for the combined tour this week Oct. 18 thru Oct 21?
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[eng]Tour Inquiry
no title name hit day
1621 답글 RE:Combined 3rd tunnel & Panmunjom Tour - November Ryan 1088 2016.10.26 07:29
1620 Combined your (3rd tunnel and panmunjom) (same as last one) Alan Law 1022 2016.10.24 01:34
1619 답글 RE:Combined your (3rd tunnel and panmunjom) (same as last one) Alan Law 1015 2016.10.24 08:39
1618 답글 tour availability 26 of Oct Barnypok 699 2017.01.04 02:03
1617 Combined your (3rd tunnel and panmunjom) Alan Law 912 2016.10.23 18:30
1616 답글 RE:Combined your (3rd tunnel and panmunjom) Alan Law 965 2016.10.24 08:40
1615 Availability in Dec Lesley 996 2016.10.21 19:05
1614 답글 RE:Availability in Dec Lesley 847 2016.10.22 11:46
1613 Combined Tour (3rd Tunnel & Panmunjom) Availability secret contents Goh Joo Keng 1 2016.10.21 16:48
1612 답글 RE:Combined Tour (3rd Tunnel & Panmunjom) Availability secret contents Service Club 0 2016.10.22 11:50
1611 AVAILABILITY FOR SATURDAY 5 NOV NICOUD 919 2016.10.20 02:47
1610 답글 RE:AVAILABILITY FOR SATURDAY 5 NOV NICOUD 955 2016.10.20 09:42
1609 Tour Available Ailin Tay 1118 2016.10.18 12:09
1608 답글 RE:Tour Available Ailin Tay 1081 2016.10.18 13:22
1607 Combined Tour - Availability Mary 975 2016.10.17 12:36
>> 답글 RE:Combined Tour - Availability Mary 902 2016.10.17 13:48
1605 Panmunjom tour m.r. 1116 2016.10.14 11:31
1604 답글 RE:Panmunjom tour m.r. 1152 2016.10.15 10:16
1603 JSA tour enquiry 25th or 26th october James M 933 2016.10.14 03:01
1602 답글 RE:JSA tour enquiry 25th or 26th october James M 930 2016.10.14 08:57