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RE:Panmunjom tour

m.r. | 2016.10.15 10:16 | view 1151

Thank you for your inquiry.

On 18th or 19th October. the Panmunjom tour is already fully booked.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.



Is there a slot available for 1 person for the Panmunjom tour either on the 18 or 19 October?


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[eng]Tour Inquiry
no title name hit day
1621 답글 RE:Combined 3rd tunnel & Panmunjom Tour - November Ryan 1087 2016.10.26 07:29
1620 Combined your (3rd tunnel and panmunjom) (same as last one) Alan Law 1022 2016.10.24 01:34
1619 답글 RE:Combined your (3rd tunnel and panmunjom) (same as last one) Alan Law 1014 2016.10.24 08:39
1618 답글 tour availability 26 of Oct Barnypok 698 2017.01.04 02:03
1617 Combined your (3rd tunnel and panmunjom) Alan Law 911 2016.10.23 18:30
1616 답글 RE:Combined your (3rd tunnel and panmunjom) Alan Law 964 2016.10.24 08:40
1615 Availability in Dec Lesley 995 2016.10.21 19:05
1614 답글 RE:Availability in Dec Lesley 846 2016.10.22 11:46
1613 Combined Tour (3rd Tunnel & Panmunjom) Availability secret contents Goh Joo Keng 1 2016.10.21 16:48
1612 답글 RE:Combined Tour (3rd Tunnel & Panmunjom) Availability secret contents Service Club 0 2016.10.22 11:50
1611 AVAILABILITY FOR SATURDAY 5 NOV NICOUD 918 2016.10.20 02:47
1610 답글 RE:AVAILABILITY FOR SATURDAY 5 NOV NICOUD 954 2016.10.20 09:42
1609 Tour Available Ailin Tay 1117 2016.10.18 12:09
1608 답글 RE:Tour Available Ailin Tay 1079 2016.10.18 13:22
1607 Combined Tour - Availability Mary 974 2016.10.17 12:36
1606 답글 RE:Combined Tour - Availability Mary 901 2016.10.17 13:48
1605 Panmunjom tour m.r. 1115 2016.10.14 11:31
>> 답글 RE:Panmunjom tour m.r. 1152 2016.10.15 10:16
1603 JSA tour enquiry 25th or 26th october James M 932 2016.10.14 03:01
1602 답글 RE:JSA tour enquiry 25th or 26th october James M 929 2016.10.14 08:57