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RE:Combined tour (3rd tunnel & Panmunjom)

Service Club | 2018.06.01 10:21 | view 525

Thank you for your inquiry. 

Which date you want to join?

For making reservation, we need all participants' color scanned copy of passport and one contact number.

Please send us to 'tourdmz@tourdmz.com'.

Korean passport holder need to send us copy of '재외국민등록부등본'. If not, Korean passport holder can't join this tour.





I'm visiting Korea in late June and would like to participate in the combined tour (3rd tunnel & Panmunjom). I am holding Korean passport but residing overseas (HK). If I can obtain the certificate from the local consulate, can I join the Panmunjom tour as well?

Thank you.


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[eng]Tour Inquiry
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>> 답글 RE:Combined tour (3rd tunnel & Panmunjom) Service Club 526 2018.06.01 10:21
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