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[RE] Tour enquiry

tourdmz | 2010.11.04 10:52 | view 4139

On 24th November is available for the Panmunjom tour or 3rd Tunnel tour.
But DMZ fence tour is available from at least 10 people.

If you want make, please let us your participants information(full name, passport number and nationality) in advance 5 days by our e-mail.

>I would like to check if the following regular tours are available on 24Nov.
>Should I make an reservation in advance or book the tour after I arrive Seoul on
>20Nov ?
>Panmunjom tour
>DMZ the 3rd tunnel tour
>DMZ fence tour
>Tks & Rgds
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[eng]Tour Inquiry
no title name hit day
101 답글 Aboutkalwt Gundoseka 2870 2012.11.02 06:40
>> 답글 [RE] Tour enquiry tourdmz 4140 2010.11.04 10:52
99 I would like to join 3rd tunnel & panmunjom tour YAYA 4149 2010.10.29 00:10
98 답글 [RE] I would like to join 3rd tunnel & panmunjom tour tourdmz 4124 2010.10.29 10:11
97 Enquiry on tour reservation Wallis Lai 4009 2010.10.14 17:38
96 답글 [RE] Enquiry on tour reservation tourdmz 3899 2010.10.15 09:49
95 Tour khasrul 4272 2010.10.04 00:55
94 답글 [RE] Tour tourdmz 3968 2010.10.04 09:39
93 Tour Availability Sarah Kerr 3947 2010.09.27 21:33
92 답글 [RE] Tour Availability Service Club 4053 2010.09.28 09:02
91 답글 [RE] Tour Availability keree7 4103 2010.09.28 10:51
90 Tour Availability Bobby 4432 2010.09.27 03:06
89 답글 [RE] Tour Availability Service Club 4474 2010.09.27 10:03
88 답글 [RE] Tour Availability Bobby 4405 2010.09.27 12:08
87 답글 [RE] Tour Availability tourdmz 4394 2010.09.28 08:56
86 Combined Tour Edwin Ing 4285 2010.09.27 01:20
85 답글 [RE] Combined Tour tourdmz 4148 2010.09.27 09:57
84 답글 [RE] Combined Tour edwin ing 4204 2010.09.27 11:37
83 Panmunjom tour James 3939 2010.09.24 10:27
82 답글 [RE] Panmunjom tour tourdmz 3926 2010.09.24 10:41