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[RE] Tour

Service Club | 2011.05.17 09:59 | view 3282
Thank you for your inquiry.
On 21st May 2011 (Saturday) is available for the Panmunjom tour.
For the making reservation, please let us know your participants information.
(full name, passport number and nationality) by our email.(tourdmz@tourdmz.com)

>I am interested in signing up for the Panmunjom tour hopefully for May 21st if that is available. Please let me know if I can. Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon.
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[eng]Tour Inquiry
no title name hit day
161 답글 [RE] DMZ Tour Service Club 3899 2011.05.28 13:55
160 Tour Dates enquiry J 2832 2011.05.23 14:33
159 Wa Cynthia 3969 2011.05.22 23:52
158 답글 [RE] Wa tourdmz 4212 2011.05.23 11:34
157 Tour Daniel Sebers 3251 2011.05.16 20:35
>> 답글 [RE] Tour Service Club 3283 2011.05.17 09:59
155 Combined tour (3rd tunnel + Panmunjom) Shih Ping-Chien 3220 2011.05.10 00:39
154 답글 [RE] Combined tour (3rd tunnel + Panmunjom) Service Club 3354 2011.05.12 15:57
153 Question about Combined tour(Panmunjom and 3rd Tunnel) WEI ZHOU 3479 2011.04.26 15:58
152 답글 [RE] Question about Combined tour(Panmunjom and 3rd Tunnel) tourdmz 3491 2011.04.26 16:39
151 Combined tour (3rd tunnel + Panmunjom) Ruth Tang 3610 2011.04.21 14:45
150 답글 [RE] Combined tour (3rd tunnel + Panmunjom) tourdmz 3683 2011.04.26 12:22
149 답글 [RE] Combined tour (3rd tunnel + Panmunjom) Ruth Tang 3496 2011.05.02 15:26
148 Payment Inquiry P.Vephula 3637 2011.04.20 03:57
147 답글 [RE] Payment Inquiry Service Club 3738 2011.04.20 10:37
146 답글 [RE] Payment Inquiry P.Vephula 3492 2011.04.20 18:01
145 답글 [RE] Payment Inquiry Service Club 3695 2011.04.21 10:53
144 Combined tour (3rd tunnel + Panmunjom) Ruth Tang 3959 2011.04.20 00:31
143 답글 [RE] Combined tour (3rd tunnel + Panmunjom) Service Club 3947 2011.04.20 10:54
142 답글 [RE] Combined tour (3rd tunnel + Panmunjom) Ruth Tang 3846 2011.04.20 16:26