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[RE] Payment Inquiry

Service Club | 2011.04.21 10:53 | view 3695

You can pay on the tour day by cash or credit card.


>Dear again,
>I asked you about 'how to pay'
>Do I have to pay it when I make a reservation or I could pay in the day of tour? and how?
>Best regards,
>>It is available for the DMZ combined tour (3rd tunnel & Panmunjom) on Tuesday 17th May.
>>If you want make reservation, please kindly let us know your full name, passport number ,
>>nationality and your contact number by our e-mail (tourdmz@tourdmz.com).
>>>I'm Thai and I'm interested in the combined tour [3rd Tunnel & Panmumjom] on Tue 17 May for 2 persons.
>>>I'm asking for the payment method. Do I have to pay it when I make a reservation or I could pay in the day of tour? and how?
>>>Best regards,
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[eng]Tour Inquiry
no title name hit day
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152 답글 [RE] Question about Combined tour(Panmunjom and 3rd Tunnel) tourdmz 3491 2011.04.26 16:39
151 Combined tour (3rd tunnel + Panmunjom) Ruth Tang 3611 2011.04.21 14:45
150 답글 [RE] Combined tour (3rd tunnel + Panmunjom) tourdmz 3683 2011.04.26 12:22
149 답글 [RE] Combined tour (3rd tunnel + Panmunjom) Ruth Tang 3496 2011.05.02 15:26
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147 답글 [RE] Payment Inquiry Service Club 3739 2011.04.20 10:37
146 답글 [RE] Payment Inquiry P.Vephula 3493 2011.04.20 18:01
>> 답글 [RE] Payment Inquiry Service Club 3696 2011.04.21 10:53
144 Combined tour (3rd tunnel + Panmunjom) Ruth Tang 3959 2011.04.20 00:31
143 답글 [RE] Combined tour (3rd tunnel + Panmunjom) Service Club 3948 2011.04.20 10:54
142 답글 [RE] Combined tour (3rd tunnel + Panmunjom) Ruth Tang 3847 2011.04.20 16:26